Child 1 , Delhi, India
Most experienced child voice of delhi, doing many assignments in hindi, english and bengali......
Aarav, Delhi, India
10 years old, done a few projects, in hindi and english .
Supratik, , India .... ....
Darwia, Delhi, India
8 years Sharp clear voice with modulation as per need, done a few projects.....
Sahiba, Delhi, India
A Child Voice Actor with perfect command over English. Gifted with a voice which flows with an ease, has clear diction, good pronunciation......
Rashmi, Delhi, India
I also do Hindi Vo with clear diction, good pronunciation.....
Leher, India
2nd grade girl available for hindi and english small vo assignments ...........
The above list is not exhaustive, for more than 21 Child Voices contact Neeraj M Mehra on voiceartistes@gmail.com
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